Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crashed Hard Drives and Senior Portraits

This is my lovely niece, and this is also one of her Senior Portraits.  It's difficult to take a bad photo of this kid. :) She makes my job easy.

VERY shortly after I last posted about aaaallll of those photos I needed to download and edit, my beloved MacBook Pro took a turn for the......exploded?  My hard drive is currently in California with Drive Savers, on life support, and hopefully giving up the photos trapped on it to their capable technicians.  I had most of my stuff backed up on disc, but there's a very, very important series on there that hadn't yet been uploaded or put on a disc yet.  If I only get those back, it will be worth it. Please keep your fingers crossed, and say a little prayer to my MacBook's hard drive soul, floating in the in-between, to GIVE UP THE PICS ALREADY!!! Seriously folks, I've had 5 different computer pros spend a total of 17-20 hours so far, trying to retrieve the data. 

Luckily, I hadn't yet downloaded these pics of my niece, from my camera card.  And my mom is sweet enough to let me hijack her computer for several hours today so I could edit them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Time Flies!!

WOW!!!  It's been over a month since I posted any photos!  I'll get to downloading some event, first day of school, and vacation photos soon.  I've got a full card in my camera and a lot of edits to do, to make room for some senior portraits I'll be shooting tomorrow.  Don't give up on me yet, content to appear soon.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Portraits

My son, husband, and our 9 year old Newfoundland/Lab mix. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

40th Birthday Cake Frosting

I am VERY curious how long it took to get the black cake frosting off of all the kids at this party!

Monday, August 16, 2010

MPHS Class of 1990, 20 Year Reunion

This year, I've had my first real experiences with event photography.  What a KICK!  Seriously, it's hard to believe my luck as I wander around capturing moments like these above. Watching people laugh, reconnect, and generally enjoy themselves is a great way to spend an evening!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anniversary Portraits

This is my lovely friend Sheri.  She's celebrating her wedding anniversary today, and wanted photos for her husband as a surprise.  The shoot was at Jennings Park, which is a great location, and we had a lot of fun!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Little kids and cake = Messy!! 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Boy And His First S'more

I'm not entirely sure that this was his first s'more, but I'm sure it's the first time we've let him roast his own marshmallow.  Oh BOY, was that ever a treat!
Though....'roast' might not be the right word.  Torch is more appropriate, based on the photo above.

He really couldn't believe we were letting him do this.
Gotta blow it out when it catches on fire, right?  Mmmmm......charcoal.

Now for the eating of the s'more.  Kinda looked like what happens when you give a dog peanut butter.

Dad decided to show him how it's done.
Now he's got the hang of it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


OH how I wish we were here again!  Makena Maui, October 2009.

Monday, April 12, 2010

September 2009, First Day of School

"It's the first day of school kiddo!!"

"School!! don't look so thrilled."

"Bug? Are you.....unhappy about going to school?" This is a first!

"Let's wait outside for the bus.  Grab your backpack!"

"Bug!  Please don't drag your backpack on the ground."

"Uh?  I didn't mean drop the backpack and GLARE at me!!!"

"Ah-HA! I'll just distract you!"

He still doesn't look happy, does he?  At least he's not glaring at me anymore.  

"There!!  That's better!  Have a great first day of school!"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Boy Loves Water

My son loooooves the water!  Pool, hot tub or mud puddle.